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Mostrando postagens com marcador ONE 2K. Mostrar todas as postagens

I'm a angel!

Pri wears:

Hair: KUNI - Anne
Shoes: [HU] Lemonde Stand Heels -
Tattoo: ONE 2K  - Tattoo  Clarke - BOM system
Tattoo: Tattoo Unisex BOM Zodiac - Nina Tattoo's
Tattoo: Tattoo Unisex BOM - 3toned - Butterfly - Nina's Tattoo's 1
Tan lines: [Ft] Store Bikini tan lines [BOM] combined
Nails: Cremosas Bento Nail - MOD 1 (black)

Outfit Gacha Scandalize

Wings: Scandalize.FALLEN ANGEL. WINGS WHITE #18
Dress: Scandalize.FALLEN ANGEL. Dress White. MAITREYA #11
Baby: Scandalize.FALLEN ANGEL. Baby Beige #3

[Ft] Store gacha

P o o l   d a y .

Collaboration: Camila Wroth and Rakhan

Pri wears:

Bodysuit : .:: Cremosas Store ::. 310 - Bodysuit Fruit - just 100L$ or Group Gift
Hair: DOUX - Ni hairstyle
Body Tatoo: ONE 2K  - Tattoo  Clarke - BOM system
Nails: Cremosas Bento Nail - MOD 1

Baby Miah wears:

Bikini: Pacagaia Kids - Mother&Daughter Bikini - Just 199 L$
Hair: Wasabi Pills/ Missy Mesh Hair - Basics RARE [gacha]
Body, Skin and Head Mesh ToddleeDoo 


Pri wears

Outfit: [ LsR ] - Sexy Kithania Suit Group Gift
Hair: KUNI - Duda (Classic)
Body Tatoo: ONE 2K  - Tattoo  Clarke - BOM system

Earrings: [AFROTAY] Earrings Gift Saki
Makeup: TONE 2 - BOMS All Smoke Jewel Shadows Collection
Lips: TREND - Traviesa Lip Gloss
Lips tattoo: Nina Tattoo Unisex Lips v2 BOM

Nails: Cremosas Bento Nail - MOD 1 (7) - just 75L$
Bracelet:  ALANTORI - Unisex Valentines Bracelet Gift
Rings: KUNGLERS - Valentines ring - GIFT

Shoes: [HU] Lemonde Stand Heels



Pri wears

Hair: KUNI - Tone (Classic)
Top: Scandalize. Briannha .Pink FULL
Pants: L-By Miyah - [M] Scratched white Jeans
Shoes: Pure Poison - Fancy Pumps Red
Nails: Cremosas Bento Nail - MOD 1 (7) - just 75L$
Body Tatoo: ONE 2K  - Tattoo  Clarke - BOM system



I'm a angel!

Pri wears:

Hair: KUNI - Duda
Body Tatoo: ONE 2K  - Tattoo  Clarke - BOM system
Heart Tatoo: .::C A P E L O::. Heart
Nails: Cremosas Bento Nail - MOD 1 (7) - just 75L$


100% gift

Dress: [EN] Stella Dress  *Gift*
Binder accessory: [S] Ivana _ Hair binder
Hair accessory: ToG Store .::. Marianne Set BOX
Earrings: [AFROTAY] Earrings Gift Saki
Necklace: NC :: My hear Necklace
Pet: REED - MY PET (wear me)

Collaboration: thamysz (he)

She wears:

Hair: DOUX - Sasha hairstyle
Shoes: .::Cremosas Store::. 44 - Fatpack Boot v1,v2,v3 + HUD 60 Models
Nails: Cremosas Bento Nails (24)
Body tatoo: ONE 2K  - Tattoo  Clarke - BOM system
Heart tatoo: .::C A P E L O::. Heart
Face tatoo: HORL - F*ck Tattoo [GIFT just 5L$]

He wears:
To know the details of Thamyz's Look, click here.


Collaboration: Monica Fravoisse

Pri wears:

Outfit: L-by Miyah [M] Anitta for 99 event
Hair: DOUX - Damiana hairstyle
Tatoo: ONE 2K  - Tattoo  Clarke - BOM system

Monica wears:

Hair:  Ade - Kristen Hairstyle (Group Gift Free)
Pants: *COCO*_Gift_SideStripeWideLegPants_Black(Group Gift Free)
T-shirt:  The Bold Llama T-Shirt Co. The SAINT Tee (Event Candy3) (Group Gift Free)

*Available until March 23rd*
See all gifts here: Youtube

Thank You ^^

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About us

Pri Fravoisse & Mônica Fravoisse
Mother and daughter! Super Friends. Blogger, RPG player and writer.

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Monica is here!

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