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Mostrando postagens com marcador :SZD:. Mostrar todas as postagens

▬ Skin/Pele ▬
[Al Vulo!] - [ pollon snuggle] (Group Gift)

▬ Cabelo/Hair 
BB - Bubblez Design - Snow White Hair (Goup Gift)

▬ Óculos/Glasses 
:SZD: Distraction ( Woman Outfit ) (100L$)

▬ Brincos/Earrings 
KIM - Reseller :Mila: - Mesh Square Earrings (120L$)

▬ Tattoo 
*DreamsTattoo I Feek You <3
Available in "Tattoo Lonely"; "Nothing Is Whole" and "I Feek You"

▬ Top 
*Dreams* Forty Top - RED
Available in Red, Black, Purple, Blue, Gray, Green, Pink (590L$)

▬ Calça/Pants 

▬ Botas/Boot 
:Mila: Fall Boots - 4 Colors Fat Pack (red)

Available in Red, Black, Light Brown and Dark Brown (590L$)
Boots 20% discount to Group Members - Inworld Store

▬ Unhas/Nails 
*Sexy Mamas* Manicure - Sculpted Prim Nails (199L$)

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CHANDELLE is with exclusive items for event.

▬ Skin/Pele ▬
[Al Vulo!] - [ pollon snuggle] (Group Gift)

▬ Cabelo/Hair ▬
^;^CaTwA^;^ Hadeya HairStyle/Winter Blondies (250L$)

▬ jaqueta/Jacket ▬
CHANDELLE - Ladies Vest England

▬ Pants/Calça ▬
*T&A Designs* Amanda outfit (200L$)

▬ Unhas/Nails ▬
[ S H O C K ] La muerte en color - Nails (Group Gift)

▬ Óculos/Glasses ▬
:SZD: Distraction ( Woman Outfit ) (100L$)

▬ Botas/Boot ▬
*T&A Designs* War outfit (250L$)

▬ Luvas/Gloves ▬
*T&A Designs* War outfit (250L$)

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CHANDELLE is with exclusive items for event.

Golden Look

▬ Skin/Pele ▬
:F: FILTHY SKINS - Gift August (Adhesion Group 199L$)

▬ Blusa/Shirt ▬
- CHANDELLE - Top Ivy Keep Calm gray - Mesh (75L$)

▬ Pants/Calça ▬
CHANDELLE - Pants Jen. red

▬ Glasses/Óculos ▬

[UMEBOSHI] Castor glasses -Black & White (10L$)

▬ Cabelo/Hair ▬
^;^CaTwA^;^ Amylee HairStyle/Light Blondies (250L$)

▬ Unhas/Nails ▬ 
CHANDELLE - Gift (1L$)

Brown Look

▬ Skin/Pele ▬
[ S H O C K ] Sandy Skin (Group Gift)

▬ Blusa/Shirt ▬
- CHANDELLE - Top Ivy Rivet black - Mesh (75L$)

▬ Pants/Calça ▬
- CHANDELLE - Pants Jen. gray

▬ Cabelo/Hair ▬
^;^CaTwA^;^ Amylee HairStyle/Dark Browns (250L$)

▬ Unhas/Nails ▬
[ S H O C K ] La muerte en color - Nails (Group Gift)

▬ Óculos/Glasses ▬
:SZD: Distraction ( Woman Outfit ) (100L$)

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CHANDELLE is with exclusive items for event.

▬ Skin/Pele ▬
[Al Vulo!] - [ pollon snuggle] (Group Gift)

▬ Jaqueta/Jacket ▬
CHANDELLE - Ladies Vest France

▬ Pants/Calça ▬
CHANDELLE - Pants Jen. gray

▬ Cabelo/Hair ▬
^;^CaTwA^;^ Amylee HairStyle/Dark Browns (250L$)

▬ Unhas/Nails ▬
[ S H O C K ] La muerte en color - Nails (Group Gift)

▬ Óculos/Glasses ▬
:SZD: Distraction ( Woman Outfit ) (100L$)

▬ Botas/Boot ▬
*T&A Designs* War outfit (250L$)

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Pri Fravoisse & Mônica Fravoisse
Mother and daughter! Super Friends. Blogger, RPG player and writer.

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