Collab: Clark Arnica

Pri wears:

Hair: TRUTH VIP Ingenue (Group gift)

Outfit: SCANDALIZE-ASIA collaboration with MELODY

Boots: Addams Exclusive // Tessa Chunky Heel Boot // SOLID PACK2 (ACCESS - 60L$)

Tattoo: Tattoo Unisex BOM - Meow - 3toned - Nina's Tattoo's

Pose: DenDen - "Lolita" 

Clark wears:

Outfit: -= [First Choice] Urban Complet Set {FatPack} 

Pri wears:

Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Siana - Reds [ACESS - Happy weekend 60$]
Dress: :: [First Choice] Galle Dress Patterned ::
Tan lines: [Ft] Store Bikini tan lines [BOM] combined
Heart tattoo: [Ft] Store Heart Tattoo pack
Boots: .:: Cremosas Store ::. 363 - Sandal + HUD 20 COLORS

Thank You ^^

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Pri Fravoisse & Mônica Fravoisse
Mother and daughter! Super Friends. Blogger, RPG player and writer.

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