~CandyMetal~ Samie Outfit Grey (199L)

~CandyMetal~ Samie Outfit Red (199L)

Hi! October Group Gifts Now Avaible  In Shop!!

*Shoes: ~CandyMetal~ Spyke Pumps Open Toe MESH Zombie Purple
*T-Shirt:  ~CandyMetal~ Arkhan Hooded T-shirt  MESH Zombie

▬ Skin/`Pele ▬
[ S H O C K ] Sandy Skin (Group Gift)

▬ Dress/Vestido ▬
KIM - Reseller :Mila: - Coco Vintage Dress-Pink (Release)

▬ Brincos/Earrings ▬
KIM - Reseller :Mila: - Mesh Square Earrings (120L$)

▬ Cabelo/Hair ▬
BB - Bubblez Design - Snow White Hair (Group Gift)

Like this? Comment!
 * Hair: Elikatira already posted (No Free)
 * Skin: Panda Punx item hunting old (Free)

* Highlight to exit Candy Metal Nika-Kori-Long Skirt MESH (black / red) (155L)

6 diferent styles!

5 sizes!

Thank You ^^

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Pri Fravoisse & Mônica Fravoisse
Mother and daughter! Super Friends. Blogger, RPG player and writer.

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Monica is here!

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