* Cabelo/Hair Catwa Marketplace ^;^CaTwA^;^ Afnan HairStyle/Summer Blondies (L$250)
* Vestido/Dress GizzA Group gift September (Free)
* Brincos/ Earrings Vitual Impressions Beverly Earring in Bronze with Diamonds  (Free)
* Aneis/Rings {me} Lilium Ring color with hud (Free)
* Botas/Boots Blueberry   (Free group notice/ Gratis nas notícias do Grupo)

                              Vamos cuidar do jardim?

 *Outfit May`s Soul* Sorange gift (Free) compre a caixa vermelha / buy the red box
*Cabelo/ Hair D!va Hair "Mana" more than 20000 group member celebration (free / group tag)
*Shape e Skin Filthy Group Gift August  (group tag - adesão/fee L$199)

* Cabelo Raspberry [RA] Chai Anxiety Hair - Brown Obsession (Free)
* Blusa Lithium Top Red Marketplace (1L)
* Short em mesh ::MichiYuu:: Brilliance Pants Marketplace (1L)
* Sandália - Urban Girl - Spring Sandal Marketplace (Free)
* Olhos .ID. August gift (Free)
* Skin e Shape Filthy Group Gift August / Tag do grupo (Adesão L$199)

Thank Athenas Orfan at Post, and especially Thanks for Affection * --- *
New Look at you guys!!

*Cabelos Tameless Helena-Cool Tones / Item de caçada procurar sapatinho transparente (5L)
* Outfit completo gift da G&N Quality Design (free) 

Ola meninas aqui vai minha primeira postagem
esse blog e a realização de minhas grandes amigas
Miah e a Pri ( sua mamy)
bjs fofas, amo vcs

Skin *Cupcakes - Emma* Free
Look Koko - Newbie giftpack Free
Unhas [ S H O C K ] Gift grupo
Eyes .ID. August Gift
!Lamb * Cabelos !lamb. Teased Up - Chewed Bubble Gum (Free)
Blueberry    *  Blueberry *Mesh* Denim Jumpsuit Black GROUP GIFT (Subscribe Free)
Reila Summer Hunt 3  * Sapatos Reila Skin Watermelon Heels (Free)  {Item de caçada, procurar uma melancia}


 *Cabelo Red Mint (r)M ~ meshHair No.00 ( b l o n d s ) Satin Blond ( Grou Gift Free)
* Top NCParis Sweater Top Gift of Month ( Group Gift Free)
* Calça Jeans PaPiLLoN Design - Paw Jeans- Pant (Free Marketplace)
* Bota Gabriel- Leather Boots Female (Group Gift Free)

Thank You ^^

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Pri Fravoisse & Mônica Fravoisse
Mother and daughter! Super Friends. Blogger, RPG player and writer.

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Monica is here!

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